Monday 27 October 2014

Countdown...Days 8 & 7

The last weekend of work before move in...

Got a bunch of little stuff done this weekend.

There was an obnoxious hump in the floor directly under where the chairs sit at the Breakfast Bar.  Turns out there is a beam directly underneath that was installed to help support the old wood stove.  I went into the crawlspace (shudder) and jacked up the beam and removed a 3/4" wedge between the post and beam and it really settled nicely.  Still a recognizable hump but nothing like it was.  My concern was that it was very close to the kitchen and I didn't want the cabinets and/or drywall to get messed up.  Everything was fine and I'm pleased with the result.  Sorry, no pics for this one.  You don't want to see down there anyways.

All the windows have been trimmed and caulked/sealed from the inside.  The outside will get a bead of silicone as well after we move in.

The laundry closet doors are hung and trimmed.

The Hot Water Tank is wired up and ready for the plumber to finish up this week!

Siliconed all the baseboard and edges in the main bathroom because let's get real, there will be three boys taking baths and showers in there for many years to come and I really don't want to deal with water finding its way behind the walls!

Finished the kitchen window trim, as the cabinet installer had to remove it because they were in the way.  It took some jigging and fanaggling, but I managed to custom cut the existing pieces to fit quite nicely.

The Breakfast Bar receptacles had to be removed last week because of a mistake of measurements on my part.  An alternative was successful but left me with a big gap under the granite piece.  Tonight I was able to find a leftover piece of trim just long enough to fill the gap!

We bought a used fridge...from a guy with dogs...who lived under the fridge...ok, maybe not, but I'm pretty sure he swept all the hair around the house under the fridge instead of a dustpan because it was pretty nasty.  A few hours of elbow grease and some ingenuity and it's sitting at its new home.  It's a Whirlpool Gold series.  We like it because the fridge portion is nice and high and very easy to see and access the day to day leftovers which seem to have a way of disguising themselves as something that isn't there when it really is there but we don't find it until it's too late.  Anyways, this should help reduce that from happening :-)

Also picked up the used stove.  Much cleaner and the previous owner was delightful and patient for us to pick it up on our time.  I like that it's a glass (ceramic?) top because there's nowhere for spill overs to go and you just have to deal with it right away.  The coil tops have a way of making spills disappear into some mystery zone and then you're reminded the next day when you turn it on and the smoke alarm starts talking too ;-)  Also, this stove has self cleaning, convection oven and five burners.  One of the burners just might be large enough for our crepe pan...been waiting for that burner for 13 years!

Things are looking solid for a move in by end of this week...please keep us in your prayers as it will be a very busy week for everyone.

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