Saturday 20 January 2018

2017...what a year!

It's been almost two years since I last posted, and what a year it has been!

And although it seems I say this every year, each brings its own victory's, struggles, epiphany's, and surprises.

The Coles Notes version of 2017...

1. Got a new to me 1989 Landcruiser BJ74.

2. Sold my restored 1983 Landcruiser BJ60.

3. Bought Wifey a 2009 Honda Pilot.

4. Said goodbye to my Dad and laid him to rest...RIP.

5. Got news of my boss's resignation (with a generous exit strategy towards a clean succession).

6. Took our youngest in for his final Leukemia treatment for A.L.L!

7. Celebrated being parents of our first teenager!

8. Enjoyed working with not one, but two Maintenance Assistants over the summer!

9. Had one Assistant stay on into the fall (essentially one semester)...So helpful!

10. Celebrated camp's two-board system moving to a single board system (technically took place late 2016 and into 2017) :-)

11. Enjoyed turning 40!

12. Celebrated 16yrs of marriage.

Yup.  Quite the year indeed!

 Family picture by jon-mark photography.  Prisma filter added later.

Top doc for Jaxon's treatment...we nicknamed him "Lord Business" after the lego movie.

A local lady created this custom cake for Jaxon's celebration of treatment completion.

One of my last pics with my Dad...RIP.

Wifey's new ride.

The restored and now sold BJ60...

My Dad when he was younger...apparently he used a bit too much dynamite to get rid of a stump!

My new BJ74 Landcruiser...almost ready for expedition exploration of Vancouver Island with family!  Front bumper design very similar to the BJ60 I sold...why re-invent what works?