Tonight I got out the HVLP gun and went for it on a few parts. From the videos I've watched online it seems that my paint is coming out more like glue than paint! It did say store in a "cool place" so I've just left it in the shop, but maybe I'll leave it in my slightly heated office in the shop instead and see if it makes a difference. It also says to not thin the paint, but the lady at Covlerdale said that 10% was the max I "could" thin it if I really wanted. Maybe I'll try that if bringing the temp up a bit doesn't help.
Oh, and the first round I had the bleeder on the top of the gun closed (I think). Not sure if that's supposed to be open or closed. I opened it on round two and didn't seem to make any difference that I could see/feel.
Anyways, it seems to be coming out really slow and low volume, leaving the orange peel type finish. If I put enough on it began to self level and I don't think I had any runs, so maybe I'm just needing to get the feel of it. My brain is thinking rattle can volume, but I'd say I was getting about half that, so I really had to slow things down to get decent coverage. We'll see what it looks like in the morning after curing overnight I suppose.
I'm just painting the parts that I thought would either be easy to sand out or are hidden/inner parts.
Also took the hood liner off and re-seam sealed all the OEM spots as every single one had pulled away. That should reduce rattling a bit! Gonna have to hit up Lordco for some new liner push button supports though. To clarify, what came apart was the original asphalt-like putty which held the inner/outer shells slightly apart so they don't rattle against one another. After re-sealing each point I think it will be much happier!
And I changed my mind about the black brackets...I figured that I'm going to have to seam seal them once I re-fit all the doors and such, and I'd like to paint the sealer once it's applied, so having black brackets and grey doors and light grey sealant wouldn't "blend" well so I'll just paint it all the new grey!
Stopped in at Cloverdale Paint and they can make me up Aerosol cans with my paint match for $16ea, so I think I'll get a couple of those made up for easy touchups in the future or hard to get to places with an HVLP.
Anywho...first round of pics below...suggestions/recommendations are always welcome. I'm already thinking of how I would do things differently next time!

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